Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the day of visiting astro

It was 28 Dec, Tuesday.
I've been told that all of us have to gather at 8.30am at college canteen 2.
Honestly, I nearly forgot I need to go for this visit!
Luckily I noticed out my fb msg...phew~

Im'ma like couldn't get in bed and sleep if there's appointment I need to make it early in the morning. Cuz really scared will over slept, and that's the prob, always didn't noticed my alarm rang.

Well, I woke up at 8.15am...
wow~kinda punctual huh?! shit! I did it again!
well, luckily still can make it reach b4 9am at college.
Get into college bus, depart and heading to astro~~

aha! We met My FM radio announcer Lam Tuck Weng 林德荣 and Jeff!
Never realized that our lecturer Ms Loh know Jeff and Ngan Mei Yan them!
Yet, she speaks chinese to them!
haha...cuz we never heard she speak chinese b4 at college...
always speak American English at college with us...

We also met Vivian 卓慧勤, was in the studio preparing her show.
She didn't make up, and she seems ignoring our presence...
what we saw is her unfriendly/smiley face.

In astro, there was few radio station
my fm,, mix fm, era fm and etc...
It seems like all of the workers in astro are carrying either iPhone or Blackberry!
And I found out some of their Blackberry phone cover's colour is same as mine-orange! haha!
It seems like orange colour become one of my favourite colour dy~

And of course we took photos with Lam Tuck Weng and Jeff.
When we visit the radio station part, they passed by the way and some of us request to take photo with them and they said "no problem! we will wait u outside."
When the time to take photo with them, they juz couraging us saying "no need to be shy, juz come over and take photo with us~~" and even remind us to tag them the photos in their my fm fb page.
hmmm....didn't get to see Wan Wai Fun also...=/
Btw, I've met Ngan Mei Yan b4 when I was heading to Times Square Starbucks.
Didn't greet her cuz I was afraid that I recognize wrong ppl...haha...til then I realized that I was not.

Abt the tv station.
aha! there was a lot of tv screen in different sizes! Which differentiate into HD and SD screen.

One of the radio announcer is having a quite good looking face! haha!
But too bad that I dunno his name~ =(

The whole visit took us abt roughly an hour or 2.
Then, we returned to college by college bus.

I was like tortured cuz hv to carry a very heavy bag on my back along to visit astro all the way! > <
bcuz of gotta go work after classes, uniform and shoes inside the bag.
Damn heavy...= =

さよなら 2010

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